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Blog #1: Let's meet the founder of Essential Mindset, Emma Nesbitt. 

What is your main goal? 


My main focus with Essential Mindset is to make everyone comfortable with their wellbeing. People need to wake up everyday and be happy with themselves. They need to understand that everyone is at a different chapter of their life. By providing tips of motivation, organization, and healthy lifestyle ideas, people can shine brighter. I want everyone to be comfortable with who they are. The goal is to make people stay positive and follow their dreams. We want everyone to achieve their goals in a healthy and effiecient way. 


Why did I start this brand? 


I started Essential Mindset to better people. Some can just become so overwhelmed and lost with their life, sometimes they need a break. Essential Mindset is here to help guide you when things get tough. This is a way to focus on yourself and relax your mind. I want people to understand that youre mental and physical health always come first. Not everyone knows how where to start to better themselves, and thats why we’re here. Staying positive throughout your path is important for a successful future. Essential Mindset with help organize people in to a proficient lifestyle. 


What do you want peoples outcome to be?


I want everyone to love themselves. People need to be happy with what they have and where theyre at in their life. It's important to stay positive and always find the good in life. Waking up everyday should be easy! This brand should bring knowledge to those who dont know much about themselves. Following Essential Mindset will help people learn how to better their health. Learning to build a new routine for yourself will help accomplish your goals. Creating goals will lead to a better mindset for the future. People need to recongnize a healthy mind and body, benefiting themselves throughout life.


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CEO,  Emma Nesbitt with the Essential Mindset 

Blog #2: Five tips on how to relieve stress...

Life can be overwhelming at times. Here are some healthy ways to relax and get back to your normal self! 

  • Exercise

Exercising is a great way to clear your head. Work, school, relationships, etc. can be a lot at times. Taking an hour out of your day to be active can boost your motivation. Exercise is a great way to release your stress, helping you have a cleared head for the rest of the day. Its an hour of physical movement that lets you forget about all the worries you may have. So go for a walk, join a gym, take a yoga class, do something for YOU. 

  • Meditate 

Meditation can relieve so much anxiety and stress. Breathing out your issues can release the tension throughout your body. Starting your morning out with the first few minutes of breathing can set your mood for the day. Meditation gives you a chance to practice your mindfulness. This skill takes practice, but once you pay attention to the focus, it will reduce your stress level significantly. 

  • Organize

Surrounding yourself with an organized setting can influence your motivation. The more put together your home or workspace is, the better you will feel. The organization will make you want to continue your day. Having that clean atmosphere will decrease your anxiety, making it easier to go about your day. Creating a list of tasks is a great way to keep your day organized and well planned. This gives you the ability to achieve everything you want throughout the day. 

  • Change of surrounding

Sometimes your setting can get redundant. Switch it up and try a new place to try something. You can change your walk route, workplace, or even the people you surround yourself with. Making a change every now and then can be helpful. This can bring you new satisfaction that you never knew you needed. 

  • You time

We all need time for ourselves. There is always time for you no matter how busy of a day you have. One hour of your day to just work on yourself is important to a healthy mindset. Writing in a journal, going for a walk, shopping, reading a book, or anything that you want to do is allowed. Everyone deserves a chance to fulfill their needs and wants. It can be something so small but mean so much to you and your mental health. 


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The challenge will only bring out the best. 

Blog #3: Join us for our Hot Yoga and Meditation event in Elmhurst, 3/6.

Come join us for our free yoga and mediation event! We welcome everyone who needs to get away from their hectic life and enjoy a relaxing day out. This event will take place in the Yoga by Degree studio in Elmhurst on Saturday March. 6th from 10a.m.-11a.m. Afterwards, there will be different stations that Essential Mindset will help find exactly what you are looking for! We will welcome a few guest speakers and others to help find your next steps ahead. Listening to what others have to say will only help you understand that you’re not alone. 


Instructors from the studio will lead an hour long hot yoga and meditation class. The room will be set at 100.3 degrees and will include different yoga poses and meditation periods. Enjoy a lavander peppermint scented towel and a light massage at the end to cool you down. Mats should be brought but you could always purchase our Essential Mindset yoga mats with a towel attached. This event can help bring your mind to ease and start your weekend with a stress free mindset. 


Yoga by Degree is sponsoring this event and will provide snacks, water, and discounts to a membership at their studio! We plan on offering some more mindful tips and and more ideas on how to open yourself up to new change. We will have the founder, Emma Nesbitt share a speech about her own journey and how she had overcame her past issues. Essential Mindset has people that will sit down and create a weekly routine to fit your schedule. They will come up with better goals and activities that will help start your plan. 


This is a great oppourtunity to start your journey and take the next steps to a healthy mindset. We want to help guide you towards your path and create goals that youve always dreamed of achieving. This event can give you different ideas of what you need to add in your daily routine to achieve success. We’re here to offer the best tips to get you back on track to a lifestyle you want to live. This is a time where you can focus on yourself and not worry about other stressful life events. Its time to make that change and choose yourself for once. So, bring your friends and come join us at this awesome yoga and mediation event. We promise you wont wont to miss this! 


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Hot yoga and mindful meditation

Blog #4: How-to reach your goals.

One thing that Essential Mindset encourages is for people to set goals. Goals help guide people to stay focused on their future. Essential Mindset teaches people new ways on how to better themselves. People need to strive to achieve their goals and we’re here to share more information on how to reach them. Here are a few ideas on how to start! 


Aim high, but start low. You have to have a starting point. To aim higher, you must start with a simple yet passionate goal. Creating a goal doesn’t have to be extremely intense at first, even something little can go a long way. Once you adjust to these simple goals you create, then you can expand on them. 


You set your own goals. Don’t let others decide what goals are needed to be met. It is your life and you decide on what you want to achieve. People can help you plan out and discover your goals, but you must decide on what you want to succeed at. It’s important to have control over your life and future goals. 


Understanding your goals. In order to achieve your goal, you must know why you create it. If you don’t know why you made this goal or how to achieve it, then maybe adjust it to fit your understanding. There must be an important reason why you set this goal. When you think of goals, you think of changing something in order to succeed in the future. 


Tracking your progress. To see the progress you’ve made you must stay on track. Record the steps you have taken in order to achieve this goal. Write in a journal or even on your phone, anything that you can record the path you’ve created. Recording your daily progress can influence your goal process. You can know what more you have to do in order to achieve it for your future. 


Creating a plan on where to start is a huge step. This how-to should guide you to focus more on yourself and what you want to achieve. Any amount of progress is great and it can go a long way. Don’t be so hard on yourself and let your mind guide you to the things that really matter. Always stay focused on what you what for your future and how goals can help get you there. 


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Stay focused on setting goals for your future. 

Blog #5: Essential Mindsets Frequently Asked Questions...

What is Essential Mindset?

Essential Mindset is an organization to help motivate people to a better and healthy lifestyle. We want people to strive to achieve their goals and reach the life theyve always wanted. Its important for people to see their full potential. Essential Mindset will start your journey to a better you.

How do I start?

Knowing where to start is difficult. Essential Mindset gives tips and tricks on how to get motivated and how to stay consistent. Creating goals is a great way to start, being able to achieve any kind of success you want. Challenging yourself everyday is what will make you stronger and achieve everything you’ve ever wanted.

What is the outcome?

Essential Mindset wants everyones outcome to achieve their goals. We want people to wake up everyday and be happy with their life. We want people to stay motivated and what to do if you want to adjust your routine. Essential Mindset guides people to achieve anything as long as you put your mind to it. People can finally become exactly who they’ve always wanted to be.

Why do people use Essential Mindset?

Some people dont know where or how to start making adjustments. Essential Mindset guides people how useful ways to stay focused and organized to later succeed. People want to better themselves but need some help planning a weekly or monthly goals, to keep people on track. We create a balance in your life to follow in order to achieve your success.

How do I achieve my goals?

Achieving your goals can be difficult. Essential Mindset shares that aiming high, but starting low, you setting your own goals, understanding your goals, tracking your progress, and creating a plan. All of these tips can keep you focused and on track to achieving your goals. Goals will guide you to wanting to achieve more progress everyday.

What is the mission?

Essential Mindset’s mission is to make everyone comfortable with their lifestyle. By providing tips and support to people we hope to encourage those to make that change. We want people to stay positive and keep following their dreams. Even when you fail,

we want people to use that as a push in to making the next step forward. We look at it as one step back but two steps forward.


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Frequently Asked Questions to Essential Mindset

Blog #6: Jen Dolson, Yoga Instructor, shares her inspiration… 

Jen Dolson, yoga instructor uses her personal experience to share motivational tips. Anxiety and stress can impact a lot towards your lifestyle, affecting your well-being. Dolson believes that once she started focusing on herself and ways to relax she released so much stress. She finally started taking the time out of her day to do something that matters to her. Yoga.


Dolson found that changing her mindset to relaxing and exercise helped ease her stress level. Being able to find a hobby that helps bring out the best in yourself is important for your mind and body. Hobbies can be anything from exercise, meditation, cleaning, etc. A powerful goal is focusing on yourself, Dolson believes that,  “Taking even an hour out of your day to ease built tension can easily improve your day,” 


Taking time out of your day to do something that you enjoy can help. Dolson likes to start her mornings with a yoga class which helps her mood for the rest of the day. She likes to start by easing her mind early in the morning. Essential Mindset has said that starting off with a productive morning can influence the rest of your day. Dolson does the method of waking up and not using any electronics or social media, which is very beneficial. 


Focusing on different motivation strategies is what helped Dolson overcome her anxiety. She has always found new ways to adjust her mindset and focus on the positives. It isn’t always easy but hearing other people’s stories can help new ideas come about. Dolson shares her methods to help other people achieve their goals later in life, “Starting with small motivation strategies can lead to a huge change in your lifestyle.” 


Essential Mindset helped Dolson find her path and follow her yoga inspiration. She never knew how much this path would lead her to so many opportunities. Creating new ways to achieve goals and staying focused on the future, benefited Dolson mentally and physically. All of these adjustments made her become a stronger person and she can finally do anything she sets her mind to. We are so glad to have helped Dolson find her purpose and achieve everything she ever dreamed of. 


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Meditation can be a key factor to start to a new beginning. 

Blog #7: Mental Health Foundation Charity Walk.

Mental Health Foundation is a charity to help people thrive through understanding, protecting, and sustaining their mental health. Essential Mindset partners up with them every year for a walk through Millennium Park. This event consists of a 50-50 raffle followed by a walk around Millennium Park. Teaming up with this charity program benefits many people that are associated with our company. We care about our consumers' wellbeing and their mental health. This charity event brings together connections that many face throughout their life. 


People who face mental health need their story to be heard, influence others around them. These personal stories can save those in need or even just encourage a lifestyle change. This charity event brings a vast amount of people and profit every year. We hope to increase the goal amount every year the event occurs. In order to achieve our goal, we need people to join us, May. 10th at 9:00a.m. This event will bring people from all around the United States, earning a vast amount of money. It’s important to bring everyone together and benefit from the loved ones around you. 


The money raised is for a great cause, creating new ways to help those with mental health. This charity event brings everyone together to promote mental awareness and support those in need. Bringing the community together making those aware of this illness can help people who don't speak out. It's important for everyone to be aware of mental health and how much it can hurt someone's lifestyle. Essential Mindset pairs up with this event not only to support the foundation but to bring awareness to mental health. We want everyone to know that there is a way to change to a positive lifestyle. 


This annual event makes a huge influence to the mental health community and benefits everyone involved. It’s important to make everyone feel comfortable with themselves and bring out the best in them. Essential Mindset wants people to cherish every moment of their life and we are here to guide them. The Mental Health Foundation is very supportive of Essential Mindset and we plan to work together at every charity event possible. Come be the change! 


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Speech Transcript 



Millennium Park in Chicago, after events will take place. 

Blog #8: A Contest You Wont Want to Miss! 

Essential Mindset is offering a limited time contest to enter for a one year free Yoga by Degree membership. Yoga by Degrees membership includes unlimited classes, bring a friend to yoga, 10% off discount on clothing, and a yoga mat. In order to win, you must join the Essential Mindset family even just for one event or even just a class. We will then randomly pick a lucky winner. It’s that easy! We want everyone to share their personal experiences with Essential Mindset, informing new people on what to expect. 


This contest is a huge one time offer that can help save for their other expenses. This is an awesome chance to try out yoga and see if this is a new hobby. Yoga is a stress free activity that can benefit your daily routine. Memberships in general are very costly and aren't always easy to add in to your budget. Yoga is a lot better for the mind and an easier strain on your body. This activity can be a great start to a healthy week and creating new hobbies in your life. This contest makes it possible to anyone and everyone! 


Essential Mindset is partnered up with Yoga by Degree to help guide our users. Both of these companies focus on the people and what we need to do in order to help them succeed. We strive for everyone to stay well balanced with their mental and physical health. Essential Mindset wants consumers to be healthy with their everyday lifestyle. By adding in physical activity like yoga, it can help you off to a great start. Yoga can increase your physical level and balance your mental health. It is a great way to ease your tension during a stressful week of work or life in general. 


Yoga can be a great escape from your hectic schedule. Learn new ways to coop with your stress and find ways to block out the real world for once.  This contest can be a great start for taking time for yourself. It’s important to always set time apart to focus on your physical and mental health. This contest can create a new relaxation you never knew you needed. All it takes is one easy step, just join Essential Mindset to enter into a free year membership with Yoga by Degree!


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A contest that everyone should want to enter! 

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